Fly on the wall. THIS WEEKEND!!!!

If you're in Brisbane this weekend be sure to check this show out.
Fuck i wish i could make it.
Heres some info taken from Grand Scheme.
This is a group show me and some friends are involved in at the Fort this Saturday the 6th.
It was a bit of a last minute thing but its turning out really cool. We have all clustered a bunch of canvas's together, the painting flows from the canvas's to the walls and fills almost every spare gap of the gallery.
You can buy them either each piece as individual canvas's of as 1 big piece if you get in early.

The group show consists of renowned "street artist" and lowlifes: Lister, Sofles, Seiko, Yuin Huz, Benny Gloucester and myself (Bligs)

If you can, drop by on the night and spread the word on your blog email etc.

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